Cloud Testing Company

Cloud testing is a form of software testing in which web applications and software control under cloud computing environments. Cloud testing has today become one of those “big bangs” in the industry. Most organizations are now leaning to adopting the cloud because of its scalability, flexibility and reduced costs. Similarly, Etelligens provides cloud testing services for cloud solutions, Software cloud Testing to make sure that the delivery of such computing services as analytics, networking, software, databases, storage is possible over the Internet.
Benefits of Cloud Testing Services
Flexible Service Package to Fit Your Needs


Custom Testing

Agile Development

Enhanced Scalability

Expanded Reliability

Instant Software Updates

Unlimited Storage Capacity
Tools We Adopt in Cloud Testing Services
Cloud Based Testing Tools

HP LoadRunner
Microsoft Azure
Why Choose Etelligens for Cloud Testing?
Cloud Based Software Testing Company

We as an experienced and successful cloud testing company help you define an effective strategy to test the cloud so that you can address all the pitfalls and challenges.
We adopt this end-to-end approach to ensure high-quality all the aspects of cloud implementation.
We provide skilled and qualified mobile app cloud testing group, that assures cloud Testing Services is carried out accurately and precisely.
We assist our clients by testing their application monitoring services across private clouds, likewise CloudSigma Rackspace, and Virtacore, VM backup. In fact, our testing procedure mainly focused on the reliability of enterprises and developing performance.
We deliver the best quality faster app cloud testing services and reduces the business risk.
We ensure data integrity and ‘anywhere and anytime’ accessibility through enterprise-class secure, redundant and available infrastructure with 24×7 operation.
Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a cloud testing service?
Cloud testing aims to assess software against both functional and non-functional requirements using cloud computing services. This approach ensures rapid availability, scalability, and flexibility, resulting in time and cost savings for software testing.
2. Does cloud testing require coding?
You don't require coding skills to start learning about cloud computing. However, if your goal is to pursue roles like architect, developer, or DevOps, you can learn coding after beginning your training, courses, or certifications.
3. What is cloud security testing?
Cloud Security Testing involves assessing cloud infrastructure for security vulnerabilities that hackers could exploit. Its primary aim is to ensure the protection of an organization's sensitive information stored in the cloud.
4. What is the difference between cloud testing and normal testing?
Cloud testing utilizes cloud computing resources to test software, whereas traditional testing involves testing software on physical devices or local servers
5. What is the demand for cloud testing?
Cloud testing solutions and services are widely adopted across industries like retail, eCommerce, IT, telecom, BFSI (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance), and media and entertainment. This widespread adoption is anticipated to drive growth in the overall market.