React Native vs Native: What to Choose for App Development

The debate between React Native and Native development has intensified as establishing a presence on both Android and iOS platforms has become essential.

While some developers stick to the traditional Native application development approach, others have embraced the vast opportunities offered by the cross-platform framework, React Native.

If you’re struggling to decide between these two options, this article will provide valuable insights.

We’ll explore which option can yield a higher ROI from your app development investment and under what circumstances.

React Native vs Native

React Native vs Native: Factors to Consider for Deciding the Right Mobile App Development Approach

Let’s delve into the key factors to help you decide between React Native and Native mobile app development:


1- Development Time

One of the main considerations in the React Native vs Native comparison is development time. In the Native approach, separate code is written for both Android and iOS platforms due to their technical differences. This requires two distinct teams—an Android development team and an iOS development team—to make your app available on both platforms. Additionally, every time there is a change in the code, the entire project must be built and run again, leading to extra effort and time.

In contrast, React Native uses a single codebase for both platforms, allowing the same developers to build apps for both Android and iOS. The concept of hot reloading in React Native enables easier deployment without rebuilding each time, reducing the effort and time required for app development.

Therefore, if you aim for a faster and more cost-effective entry into the mobile market while targeting both platforms, React Native is the better choice.


2- Mobile App Cost

Cost is another crucial factor in selecting the right technology for your mobile app development needs. Leading mobile app development companies estimate that using React Native can reduce development costs by 30%-35% compared to Native app development for the same project.

If budget is a primary concern, React Native is the right option for you.


3- UI/UX Experience

Another important factor in determining the better choice between React Native and Native is the UI/UX experience.

While React Native allows developers to reuse functionality code and write platform-specific code separately, creating complex user interfaces—such as custom views, navigation patterns, seamless transitions, and animations—is challenging with React Native. It is also difficult to meet the UI/UX standards of both Android and iOS platforms. However, this is not an issue with Native app development.

In Native development, each screen is designed individually for both Android and iOS devices, resulting in a superior mobile app UI/UX experience.

Therefore, in terms of providing an exceptional mobile app experience, Native development is the winner.


4- Scalability

Compared to Native technology, React Native offers mobile app developers a wider range of opportunities for handling a higher workload in an application and releasing high-functionality updates. Thus, React Native wins the scalability battle.


5- Performance

Performance is another critical factor in the Native vs React Native development comparison.

React Native works with JavaScript, which operates on a single dedicated device thread and cannot handle multiple asynchronous tasks simultaneously. Additionally, the framework lacks support for many trending modules and functionalities, making it incompatible with native device features, cutting-edge technologies, and complex manipulations.

On the other hand, Native apps are developed using Swift, Java, or Kotlin, which are far superior to JavaScript for working with advanced features, performing heavy calculations, and integrating advanced hardware devices. This makes it easier for mobile app developers to create any type of application using Native technologies.

In summary, Native development wins the performance battle against React Native.


6- Programming Language

The native programming languages for Android and iOS, namely Kotlin, Java, and Swift, are known for being strictly typed and OOPs-oriented. They come with comprehensive documentation and well-defined rules, making them relatively straightforward to learn, though it might take some time to get fully accustomed to them.

In contrast, JavaScript, used by React Native, appears easier to learn but has several flaws, loopholes, and poor documentation. This makes it challenging for React Native developers to master the language completely.

Therefore, in the comparison between native and React Native, native programming languages emerge as the winner.


7- Long-Term App Scope

When considering the long-term scope of an app, deciding between Native and React Native is crucial.

Native platforms, supported by Google and Apple, receive tools for implementing functionalities, resolving errors, and launching updates seamlessly, without compromising app usability.

On the other hand, React Native does not prioritize updates. Its tools and updates are not synchronized with those of Apple and Google, complicating the process of building and launching future updates. Moreover, there is uncertainty regarding the duration of support, raising doubts about choosing React Native for long-term app projects.


8- Interactivity with Native Apps

Interactivity with native apps is a critical factor in understanding the differences between React Native and native approaches.

Native mobile applications can easily interact with other native apps and access their data, providing an exceptional user experience. However, this level of interactivity is not achievable with React Native.

React Native apps depend on third-party libraries to communicate with other native apps, limiting data access. Thus, React Native becomes a secondary option when your app requires continuous interaction with other native mobile apps.


9- API and Third-Party Libraries Support

In terms of API accessibility, native app development frameworks can directly use all types of APIs. Conversely, this is not the case with React Native technology.

React Native apps can utilize only a limited number of APIs. For implementing complex APIs, a connection layer using native technologies is necessary. This clearly shows that native app development is preferable over React Native when numerous APIs are involved.


10- Native Module Support

React Native can handle many cross-platform use cases, but it lacks the necessary APIs to cover all native mobile features. To use these inaccessible APIs, React Native depends on adding native module support, requiring the React Native app development team to be proficient in native languages.

This constraint does not exist when developing native mobile apps for Android or iOS, indicating that native app development is superior in the native vs. React Native debate.


11- App Security

React Native framework is based on JavaScript, which is not a strongly typed or OOPs (Object-Oriented Programming) based language like native app development languages (Java and Kotlin for Android, Objective-C, and Swift for iOS). Additionally, the use of several third-party libraries and APIs in React Native makes it difficult to identify errors and loopholes during development. This makes React Native less secure compared to native app development technologies.


12- App Maintenance

App maintenance is a tedious and time-consuming process for native app development. This is because bugs need to be addressed individually on both native platforms. However, with React Native, resolving bugs on one platform is sufficient, unless native app support is involved.

Although we have discussed various deciding factors, let’s summarize the criteria to help you choose the right technology for your next app project:

When to Go With Native Mobile App Development

Opting for native app development is a suitable choice under the following conditions:

  • You are creating a complex application, such as a messaging app.
  • You plan to release regular updates.
  • You prioritize a native user experience.
  • You are developing a utility app that relies on native device features, such as a Brightness Controller or an app that plays videos in the background.
  • You are building an IoT-based mobile application.
  • You are developing an app for a specific platform.

When to Choose React Native for Mobile App Development

React Native is a preferred option for mobile app development when:

  • You are creating a simple and consistent app.
  • You aim to launch an app across multiple platforms.
  • You have a limited budget for app development.
  • You want to bring your app to market quickly.
  • You are developing a social media app like Facebook or Instagram.
  • You intend to integrate Facebook ads into your app.
  • You are working on an e-Commerce app.

While the final decision depends on your specific needs, we recommend React Native for startups due to its advantages in entering the mobile market.

Why React Native is a Better Option for Startups

React Native offers several benefits for startups facing common challenges in mobile app development. Here’s how it addresses these issues:

1- No Target Audience

New startups often struggle to identify the right target audience and platform, debating whether Android or iOS is better. React Native helps by allowing you to target both platforms simultaneously, eliminating this concern.

2- Higher Efforts

Startups with limited technical knowledge may find it challenging to hire separate teams for Android and iOS development. React Native simplifies this by enabling you to use a single team for both platforms, reducing hiring complexity and allowing you to focus on other critical aspects.

3- Limited Funds

React Native offers a cost-effective alternative to native app development, helping startups enter the mobile space within a limited budget.

4- Launching Dilemma

In a competitive market, startups often face challenges regarding the timing and strategy for launching apps on Android and iOS. React Native facilitates a quicker launch on both platforms, helping you achieve better ROI.

React Native provides valuable support and solutions for startups. If you’re still unsure, reviewing the following use cases might provide additional insights.

Different Brands Already Working With React Native

React Native has become a key framework for many well-known brands. Here are some examples of apps developed with React Native:

Brands Already Working With React Native

1- Facebook

Facebook wanted to enjoy all the benefits of web development like quick iterations, need of a single team, etc. on mobile and streamline the user experience. So, they brought open-source React Native to life.

2- Walmart

Walmart wished to improve the customer experience and performance for their app on both Android and iOS platform using lesser resources and time. So, they invested in React Native application development using which they successfully reused 96% of codebase between the two platforms and gained a competitive advantage in the market.

3- SoundCloud

Another app made with React Native is the SoundCloud app.

SoundCloud came across numerous challenges when they planned to build an ioS version of their app. They couldn’t find the right iOS app development team and wanted their app for both the platforms at almost the same time. React Native platform provides them with the freedom to launch their app on both platforms easily and that too without requiring any specialized mobile app developer.

4- Bloomberg

Another brand that invested in React Native app development is Bloomberg. Bloomberg, as per its team, switched to React Native to meet the needs of their consumer mobile app and stay in the market.

5- Wix

Wix works with an aim to let the users create their own HTML5/mobile websites using drag and drop facility itself – even when they do not know how to code. They found React Native the right fit into their ideology, with its characteristics of hot reload, higher speed and agility of web development along with native results. According to their dev team, they managed to accelerate their development process by 300% with React Native.

Not just these popular brands, even we at Etelligens have tried our hands on React Native. And here’s what our experts conclude:-

Our Experience With React Native So Far

Working with React Native has added another dimension to our services. React Native has come up as a perfect tool for us to meet our client needs in limited resources, cost and time. The technology has helped us deliver our services to a wider marketplace, especially startups and achieve the honor of a reputed react native app development company globally.

We are finding it easier to turn an idea into an MVP and launch it into both the Android and iOS market at the same time without assigning the project to two different teams. This has streamlined the app delivery process in terms of communication, resource availability and various other ways. We are also experiencing ease in pushing new app updates without going through the lengthy process of App Store or Google Play Store submission, which has again added to the amount of work we do.

Frequently Asked Questions about React Native vs Native Comparison

1- Is React native a Native app?

No, it is not a native application. A React Native app works both on Android and iOS platforms.You can take help of a reputed mobile app development company for better understanding of React Native.

2- Is react Native better than native?

When discussing React native app vs Native apps battle, the former is better when you have no clue of your target audience, have a limited budget, can’t invest higher effort, or are confused about which platform to launch an app on.

3- Is react native slower than native apps?

No, it is not slower than native applications.

4- Is react native hybrid or native?

React Native is neither native nor hybrid. Rather, it is a cross-platform framework. That implies, it develops applications that run both on Android and iOS platforms.

Now that you have seen what the two app development approaches mean in the market and what it can do for your startup, hope you have a clear idea of what to choose for your mobile app: React Native vs Native development. But, in case you still have any queries, feel free to contact our React Native development team.

Ankur Shrivastav
Ankur Shrivastav CEO and Co-Founder
Ankur is a serial entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience building successful web and app products for startups, small and medium enterprises, and large corporations. As the CEO & Founder of Etelligens, his passion lies in technology leadership and fostering strong engineering teams. Ankur's extensive experience has allowed him to guide over 250 founders in launching impactful software solutions that drive growth and innovation.