Is React Native Good for Mobile App Development?

Until 2025, there will be 7.49 billion mobile users using either an Android or iOS device. How would you reach your targeting audience among this huge and heterogeneous market? On average, users spent about 4.8 hours daily using applications on mobile phones. Platform-specific or multi-platform development: which one suits your business needs and constraints?

With numerous users and high market competition, a native app development strategy may not fit your next application idea perfectly.

When talking about cross-platform, one of the most popular questions is: what framework will suit your needs best? Interestingly enough, 38% of mobile app developers use React Native to cater to their cross-platform applications.

As a company specializing in developing React Native applications, we have extensive expertise in this framework. Our experienced developers avail the uses of React Native so as to build applications efficiently by adding in features that help in enhancing the entire cycle of mobile application development.

React Native Good for Mobile App

In this article, we will review the top reasons to go with React Native and answer the question: is React Native a good choice for mobile app development?

15 Reasons to Choose React Native for Mobile App Development

Unique features and abilities make React Native one of the finest systems for cross-platform app development.

1. Multi-platform Framework

Is React Native suitable for developing mobile apps? Absolutely, it is. React Native offers different tools and third-party plugins that enable the developer to build mobile apps for both Android and iOS. Conventional native app development requires at least one codebase for each platform, in which Swift was traditionally used to develop iOS.

  • This would involve the use of a developer who implements the logic using React Native libraries. Once written, the code can be shared across iOS, Android, Windows, and other platforms.
  • If you have a web app developed in ReactJS, it can be transformed into a mobile application by reusing the state management and component logic.
  • This saves lots of time and resources; at the same time, all the processes for developing a mobile app using React Native were easier to build, and you can have a seamless experience.


Facebook app Facebook was the first app to introduce the React Native framework. With a vast user base across different mobile platforms, it was crucial for Facebook to develop a lightweight and intuitive interface. React Native enabled the company to speed up development and launch the application on both Android and iOS platforms simultaneously.

2. Familiarity with Programming Language

You are on familiar ground when you build with React Native because it uses JavaScript and React in constructing the UI library. That means your learning curve is fairly much shorter if you’re already comfortable using these technologies.

According to Statista, JavaScript is currently the most highly demanded programming language globally. More than 47 percent of recruiters worldwide look for developers proficient in JavaScript, Java, and Python. The image below highlights the top programming languages that recruiters prefer for developers.

In addition to JavaScript, there are several benefits to learning React Native:

  • Unlike Xamarin or Flutter, which require learning a new programming language, React Native leverages your existing knowledge. This results in a lower learning curve, making it easier for developers to get started.
  • You can begin your project more quickly than you might have anticipated.
  • Having experience in both React Native and native mobile app development is a significant advantage. With an understanding of the syntax and coding methods, you can reduce the average app development time by up to 90% using this framework.

3. Reusable Codes for Fast Development

Developing a mobile app with React Native is like stacking Lego blocks to form the desired pattern. You create components and can reuse them as needed to build the interface elements.


Skype The buttons across the app are all similar. However, React Native developers didn’t need to write separate code for the buttons on every page; they could use the same block of code to define the button, allowing for consistent design and functionality throughout the app.

Similarly, when calling a page to the forefront, the same block of code can be reused, making it easier for front-end developers to maintain uniformity across the app. This approach also speeds up the loading time for pages.

  • You can write the code once and use it everywhere.
  • You can create component blocks and reuse them throughout the app.
  • If you already have a web application, you can share many of the same components to build the mobile application.

This means, it serves to improve developer productivity and will lead directly to faster time-to-market for the business.

4. Native-like Experience

As an iPhone user, you’re accustomed to a specific design and interface style. The intuitive experience on an iPhone is different from that on an Android device. However, when developing cross-platform mobile apps, the look and feel can sometimes be too similar across platforms, potentially causing friction for users accustomed to their platform’s specific design standards.

That friction can be avoided with React Native, and better user experiences can be crafted by creating apps that feel native, even on a hybrid platform. See for yourself the differences between native and hybrid apps.

  • The React Native framework uses actual, native UI elements rendered as native views.
  • This ensures that the application adheres to every design specification of a given platform so that the user experience feels as natural as possible.


Instagram When you use Instagram on an iPhone versus an Android device, you can clearly see the differences in design. The app has been adapted to follow the design guidelines specific to each platform, creating a tailored experience for users. This is made possible by using React Native, which allows the app to maintain a native look and feel on both platforms.

5. Live Reloading

Launching a new feature can be time-consuming, especially when changes are needed after the initial release. Here’s why:

  • After launching a new feature, users may suggest improvements.
  • Incorporating these changes and going live again can lead to increased deployment time, especially if revisions are requested after the update.

To streamline this process, React Native offers live reloading. Here are some guidelines:

  • You don’t need to update the entire feature; with React Native’s hot reloading feature, you can make necessary changes to specific parts while the application is live.
  • Directly make changes where needed and test them in the live environment immediately. This accelerates the development process and speeds up iterations.

This feature is especially useful for startups, where quick revisions are crucial. React Native’s reloading feature gives you the head start needed to meet tight deadlines.

6. Access to Developers and Skills

Because React Native is built on the JavaScript library, finding developers with the necessary skills is relatively easy. The learning curve is low, and there are many developers with this background, making it easier for app owners to find the right talent.

The accessibility of skilled developers is a major reason to choose this platform. While React Native may not be fully mature, it offers enough support to get your project started effectively.

7. Excellent Community Support

One of the top reasons to choose React Native is its extensive community support. As the platform grows in popularity, you’ll find solutions to almost any issue that arises during app development.

For instance, if you’re building an Instagram clone and need to add features from the basic app, the developer community can help you implement APIs or plugins. Since React Native is developed by Facebook, the community is large and welcoming, with plenty of open-source contributors ready to assist.

8. Develop Stable Apps

React Native apps benefit from a simplified binding strategy within the codebase, which enhances stability. To save time and boost productivity, it’s crucial to understand the detailed steps of app creation.

When updates or changes are needed, modifying the state of the object will allow you to deliver a more stable app. Stability is essential, particularly when developing solutions for multiple platforms.

This level of stability is beneficial whether you’re building an app from scratch or adding updates or features to an existing app. Additionally, React Native uses native APIs for rendering, which further improves performance.

9. Enriched User Interface

React Native uses declarative syntax, allowing you to write code while the framework handles the execution. The front-end UI library is built with pre-built declarative components, making the design process intuitive and easy.

Tech giants like Facebook, Instagram, and Microsoft Office use React Native to develop scalable products. Here’s how you can use React Native to enrich your UI:

  • Create custom components with React Native using tools like TouchableNativeFeedback and TouchableOpacity.
  • Utilize operating system-specific tools to create responsive UI components that cater to each platform’s unique needs.

10. Positive Developer Experience

React Native provides developers with a positive experience for several reasons:

  • Developers can learn as they work on mobile applications.
  • They don’t need to be proficient in native languages to create apps for native platforms.
  • By learning one layout engine, developers can handle application development for both iOS and Android.
  • Developers can publish changes and updates in the live environment without restarting the development process.

These factors contribute to an enhanced development experience, making React Native a preferred choice for mobile app development.

11. Supports Two Major Ecosystems

React Native supports the two most significant mobile ecosystems:

  • iOS
  • Android

This means that for each platform, you are not required to make different applications. In the case of hybrid application development with React Native, you can make your application get into the market sooner, thus being ahead of your competitors.

12. Develop Complex and Advanced Applications

React Native allows developers to create complex and advanced app solutions with ease. The framework’s component-based interface lets developers plug-and-play elements to build sophisticated applications. React Native simplifies complex algorithms, making it easier for developers to work efficiently.

13. Suitable for Low Budgets

As an open-source framework with cross-platform compatibility, React Native allows you to develop apps for multiple platforms within the budget of a single app. Here’s how it benefits low-budget projects:

  • Simplifies the app development process, leading to quicker releases.
  • Reduces hiring and infrastructure costs.
  • Eliminates the need for separate tools, devices, and developers for iOS and Android platforms.

14. High-Quality Applications

React Native offers a stable framework and robust libraries, enabling the development of high-quality, high-speed mobile apps. The framework provides powerful coding capabilities and responsive interface components, enhancing the user experience.

Because the applications deliver a native-like experience, it’s easier to achieve the desired user experience and outcomes with React Native.

15. Support for Third-Party Tools

React Native supports third-party APIs and plugins, allowing you to integrate any necessary features not included in the framework. This flexibility ensures that you can incorporate all the essential components needed to create an interactive and engaging user interface.

In the next section, we’ll explore some of the best examples of applications built using React Native.

App Features Reviews

· Create reels with a user-friendly interface

· Sell on Instagram with the business version

4.3 Stars

150M Reviews


· Create stories with a single click

· Post news updates

· Message your friends

· Post comments on others’ posts

4.3 Stars

145M Reviews


· Visual search feature that helps identify specific items for purchase

· Save links to boards for later reference

· Add pins from the web

4.4 Stars

9M Reviews


· Real-time news updates

· Monitor securities in real-time

· View the earnings calendar for the day

· Share important info with colleagues

4.0 Stars

77K Reviews


· In-app analytics with a single-view dashboard

· Point-of-sale feature for selling products

· Built-in SEO tools for fast optimization

4.1 Stars

41K Reviews


· Celebrity style updates

· Instant beauty tips

· Daily fashion news

· Save important stories

· Push notifications for fashion updates

4.2 Stars

1K Reviews


· Easy customizations on the go

· In-app chat for communicating with members and site visitors

· Access to an analytics dashboard

· Built-in SEO tools for optimization

4.5 Stars

54K Reviews


Advantages of React Native Application Development

Following are some of the biggest advantages that come along with building a mobile app using React Native for your next business app.

1. Faster Development Cycles

Consider a startup aiming to launch its app product in the market. Any delay could mean losing opportunities to competitors who are quick to enter the market.

  • React Native enables you to launch your app faster.
  • The framework’s pre-built components and reusable code allow for quicker interface development compared to other frameworks.
  • You can create logic once and use it across multiple platforms.
  • As a result, your app is ready for both iOS and Android platforms simultaneously, allowing for an instant multi-platform release.

2. Lowered App Development Costs

Developing apps for multiple platforms can be expensive. However, with React Native, this cost is significantly reduced. As an open-source framework, React Native offers a rich ecosystem of open-source libraries, keeping development costs low.

Choosing React Native allows you to work with a single developer, streamlining the development and testing process, which keeps costs within budget.

The complexity of your app will influence the development cost, but React Native’s overall efficiency helps manage expenses. The supporting technology stack depends on your budget, the required expertise, and the features you plan to include in your app.

3. React to React Native

If you’re using ReactJS for your web application, transitioning to React Native for mobile app development is straightforward. Your developers can use the same native components to work on the mobile app, simplifying the development process.

React Native’s UI library uses many of the same components as React, making the transition smoother and faster.

4. Active Updates

React Native is a constantly evolving framework with active community support and contributions. Both the company behind it and the community work to continuously improve mobile app development with React Native. The community addresses issues faced by developers, often including solutions in future updates.

For example, React Native version 0.69 was released with significant contributions from the community, reflecting its ongoing evolution.

5. Open Source Framework

As an open-source framework, React Native offers full access to the source code, allowing for complete customization of your app to meet your unique business needs.

Version releases happen faster than with many other frameworks, ensuring you receive updates and improvements regularly. Each new version of React Native makes the framework more stable and better aligned with your business requirements.

6. Saves Time and Effort

Cross-platform app development with React Native means it provides the ability to maintain a single codebase, taking advantage of native modules. In this way, it makes development seamless and swift.

After development, this can be published in different app stores simultaneously. This efficiency reduces the time and effort required for coding across different platforms.

You don’t need to hire separate developers for iOS and Android—one React Native developer can manage the entire process. This increase in developer productivity leads to better outcomes and allows for more innovation in app solutions.

Ready to Develop Your App Using React Native?

Throughout this article, we discussed some of the advantages of React Native, a well-recognized cross-platform app development JavaScript framework. It would not be wrong to say that it has a low learning curve, is open-source in nature, and shares a single codebase to develop and launch mobile applications at speed.

Mobile app development has evolved beyond just a good idea. Success now depends on high-end processes, thorough planning, and well-defined interface elements. Failing in the planning stage often leads to an unsuccessful app that doesn’t attract downloads.

Etelligens Technologies has extensive knowledge and expertise in mobile app development. Be it the conversion of native applications to React Native or developing a new cross-platform application from scratch using React Native, we are here to help.

Ajay Kumar
Ajay Kumar CTO
Ajay brings over a decade of experience leading dynamic engineering teams and spearheading the development of innovative software projects. He is a strong advocate for agile methodologies and user-centered design, ensuring that technical solutions seamlessly align with business objectives for enhanced growth and efficiency. Ajay's vast knowledge spans across diverse programming languages and architectures, and he continuously strives to push technological boundaries while fostering collaboration and talent development within his teams.