7 Types of Cyber Security Testing and Assessments

With the increasing sophistication and frequency of threats to computer systems, software, and networks, businesses must prioritize regular cyber security testing and assessments. A successful cyber attack can lead to significant financial losses, reputational damage, and a decline in customer loyalty. Therefore, identifying and addressing vulnerabilities is essential to maintaining robust security measures.

What is Cyber Security Testing?

Cyber security testing, also known as penetration testing or security testing, involves identifying security weaknesses and vulnerabilities within a system or network to determine the best strategies for mitigating them. The goal is to uncover vulnerabilities before attackers can exploit them, ensuring the software’s resilience against cyberattacks and verifying that the system can handle malicious or unexpected inputs without compromising its integrity. Unlike functional testing, which focuses on verifying software functionalities, security testing is a non-functional test that evaluates the application’s configuration and design for security robustness.

cyber security testing

Now that we understand what cyber security testing is, let’s explore its various types.

What are the Types of Cyber Security Testing?

1- Penetration Testing

Penetration testing, or ethical hacking, simulates real-life cyberattacks on a system, software, application, or network under controlled conditions. This testing helps evaluate the effectiveness of existing security measures and uncover previously unknown vulnerabilities, including zero-day threats and business logic flaws.

Traditionally, certified security specialists, known as “ethical hackers,” performed penetration testing manually, attempting to breach systems without disrupting regular operations. Today, automated penetration testing solutions offer the same benefits more frequently and cost-effectively.

2- Web Application Security Testing

Web application security testing is vital for determining if web software is susceptible to attacks. It involves both automatic and manual methods to gather information about a web application, identify security issues, assess the exploitability of these vulnerabilities, and estimate their associated risks.

3- API Security Testing

API security testing helps programmers detect vulnerabilities in applications and web services, enabling developers to address them effectively. Since APIs grant access to sensitive data and can serve as entry points to internal systems, thorough and regular testing is crucial to protect against unauthorized access.

4- Application Security Testing (AST)

Application Security Testing (AST) encompasses steps to eliminate software application vulnerabilities throughout the software development lifecycle (SDLC). This includes testing, monitoring, and reporting on a software application’s security posture at each development stage.

The objective of AST is to identify and rectify software vulnerabilities early in the development process or as soon as they are introduced into production. Effective AST enhances protection against internal and external threats and improves visibility into application security issues.

5- Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability management involves detecting, evaluating, reporting, managing, and remediating vulnerabilities across endpoints, workloads, and networks. Security teams often use vulnerability scanning tools to identify threats and implement automatic or manual processes to address them.

An effective vulnerability management program prioritizes risks based on threat intelligence and IT operations expertise, focusing on swiftly addressing high-priority vulnerabilities.

6- Security Audits

A security audit involves systematically reviewing software or applications against defined standards. This process includes evaluating code or architectures within the context of security requirements, assessing hardware configurations’ security posture, and analyzing security gaps, operating systems, and operational procedures. Security audits also evaluate compliance with established rules and standards.

7- Configuration Scanning

Configuration scanning, or security scanning, identifies security gaps in software, networks, or computer systems by comparing the target system against standards set by research organizations or regulatory bodies. This process helps ensure that systems adhere to security best practices and regulatory requirements.

Automated configuration scanning tools typically detect misconfigurations and provide a report detailing each one, along with suggestions for fixing them.

Example Test Outline for Cyber Security Testing

Here are some instances where cyber security tests might be performed to identify vulnerabilities and assess the level of security measures:

1- Password Policies

Test the effectiveness of passwords by attempting to bypass or crack them. Additionally, evaluate security measures like password storage and encryption.

2- Network Security

Verify the effectiveness of firewalls, IDS/IPS, and other network access controls to test a network’s security. Exploit security vulnerabilities within the network to assess access management.

3- Mobile Device Security

Test the cyber security of mobile devices by attempting to exploit vulnerabilities such as poor authentication or insecure data storage. Evaluate the effectiveness of mobile device management methods.

4- Physical Security

Assess the effectiveness of access controls, alarms, and surveillance cameras. Attempt to bypass or exploit physical security measures.

5- Web Application Security

Use techniques like SQL injection, cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and cross-site scripting (XSS) to test web application security. Evaluate the effectiveness of authentication and access control mechanisms.

6- Social Engineering

Employ social engineering techniques, such as phishing emails or phone calls, to test employee awareness. Evaluate the effectiveness of security policies and training programs.

7- Cloud Computing and Security

Assess cloud-based services for vulnerabilities like insecure data storage or misconfigured access controls. Test the effectiveness of encryption and other security measures.

8- Incident Response

Simulate a cyberattack to test the incident response team’s ability to react promptly and effectively. Ensure that all communication and reporting channels are operational.


Cyber Security Assessment

A cyber security assessment involves evaluating the overall security posture of a company. This assessment is important for two main reasons: identifying vulnerable areas that need improvement and demonstrating to stakeholders that security is a priority. With this information, businesses can prioritize security investments and allocate resources effectively.

There are three main types of cyber security assessments:

1- Compliance Assessment

Evaluate a company’s security measures to ensure they comply with relevant regulations and standards.

2- Risk Assessment

Identify and assess potential risks to a business’s assets, networks, and systems.

3- Maturity Assessment

Evaluate a company’s security maturity against relevant standards and guidelines.


Cyber Security Testing Best Practices

Cyber security testing is crucial for protecting businesses against cyber attacks. It is important to remember that security testing is an ongoing process. Here are some best practices for effective cyber security testing:

1- Create a Clear Scope

Define what is and is not part of the testing. The scope, including systems, networks, and data to be tested, must be agreed upon by all parties involved.

2- Define the Testing Objectives

Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives for security testing. Ensure all parties involved are aligned on the business objectives.

3- Choose the Right Testing Approaches

Select appropriate testing methods based on the scope, available resources, and business risks.

4- Use Reputable Security Testing Tools and Services

Invest in testing tools and services with a proven track record of delivering accurate results. Avoid unproven or untested tools or services.

5- Automate and Test Often

In addition to manual security testing, such as audits or full penetration tests, automate testing and perform it frequently, especially after changes to applications or infrastructure.

6- Test Internal Interfaces, APIs, and UIs

Focus on internal systems’ security, ensuring secure interfaces between internal systems and external threats. Aim for a “zero trust” security model.

7- Document and Report Results

Keep records of testing procedures and results, and share them with relevant stakeholders. This allows for repeatable testing and accurate data interpretation.


Let’s Talk

If you would like to learn more about how Etelligens can support your organization’s cyber resilience, get in touch with us.

Rohit Gupta
Rohit Gupta Principal Consultant
Rohit leverages his deep understanding of cutting-edge technologies like Blockchain, AI, and RPA to develop solutions across various industries, including healthcare, customer experience management, and more. As a Principal Consultant, he champions process automation strategies that deliver a return on investment within a year. Rohit's expertise in digital transformation empowers businesses to achieve their strategic goals.