Step-By-Step Guide on Cloud Application Development

Many businesses struggle with the challenge of constant network upgrades and potential crashes. The increasing demand for mobility and flexibility makes it difficult to accurately anticipate IT needs, further complicating cost management. However, the good news is that cloud development can address these issues effectively.

In fact, many businesses are already taking advantage of cloud solutions. According to research by Thales and Ponemon Institute, 47% of enterprises store sensitive data in the cloud. Industries such as insurance, telecommunications, retail, banking, and consumer products are leading the charge in cloud adoption.

cloud application development

Cloud application development services are crucial for any business that needs to store and manage large volumes of data.

With the growing popularity of cloud solutions, many businesses have questions—particularly around what a cloud-based application is and how to develop one. This article aims to provide clear answers. You’ll discover the difference between cloud apps and web apps, the technologies required for cloud-based app development, the steps involved, and an estimate of development costs.

Let’s begin by covering the basics.


What is Cloud Application Development?

Cloud application development refers to the process of creating software applications that run over the Internet rather than being hosted on a personal computer or local server.

A cloud-based application is a software product that stores its data and runs its processing logic online, rather than relying on local servers, as traditional web applications do. This functionality is made possible by remote servers hosted by cloud service providers.

In a typical cloud app operation, the user interacts with the application through a web browser. The browser sends data to a remote server for processing via an API and receives the processed data in return, which is then presented to the user. In this model, the user’s device acts as an input tool and does not interfere with the app’s overall operation.


Benefits of a Cloud-Based App for Business

Cloud solutions eliminate the need for physical storage devices, reducing the risk of data loss due to device damage or misplacement. Moreover, with advancing technology, data sharing becomes faster and can be customized according to your preferences. Let’s explore the major benefits of using a cloud-based solution for businesses.


Cloud computing allows you to access data from anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection. This enables your team to work more flexibly, with the ability to quickly access files and provide urgent feedback, regardless of their location.

Automatic Updates

Cloud service providers manage updates through a central data center, distributing them to all customers simultaneously. This ensures you’re always using the latest software version without the need to manually download and install updates.

Cost Savings

By utilizing the resources of a cloud service provider, you can significantly reduce costs associated with managing and maintaining IT systems. This includes lower operational costs as you don’t require in-house IT staff, reduced energy consumption, and vendors typically handle software upgrades.

Data Safety

Cloud-stored business data is automatically backed up and protected using advanced encryption technologies. Your files remain safe from power outages or other disruptions, and you can access them from alternative locations, ensuring seamless business continuity.

Examples of Cloud Software

Cloud applications come in various forms, from productivity suites to communication and collaboration tools. Many businesses are already utilizing cloud apps without even realizing it. Let’s take a look at some popular cloud-based applications:

  • Slack: A widely-used cloud-based platform for collaboration and messaging.
  • Salesforce: A robust cloud customer relationship management (CRM) platform that eliminates the need for businesses to develop their own.
  • Figma: A powerful collaborative design tool.

These applications can be accessed from any internet-connected device, enabling real-time collaboration, which has made them invaluable for distributed teams.


How to Develop a Cloud Application Step-by-Step

Cloud development covers both web and mobile solutions. Depending on the type of solution you choose, your technical team will require different technologies and skills. However, the cloud application development process remains fairly consistent in most other aspects.

The process begins by thoroughly analyzing the market and identifying the needs of your target audience. Once you understand this, you can determine how your product will solve those issues and validate your idea’s feasibility. Additionally, it’s important to ensure that your app is not only reliable but also user-friendly.

Here are the general steps in cloud application development:

1- Project discovery

2- Choosing the development team

3- Planning the development

4- UI/UX design

5- Development and QA

6- Deployment and delivery

Let’s explore these steps in detail.

Step 1: Set Goals for Building a Cloud Application

Before beginning software development, it’s crucial to align stakeholders and developers on the business goals during the discovery phase. This phase ensures everyone is on the same page.

Companies often choose to invest in cloud application development for the following reasons:

  • To automate workflows
  • To create centralized data storage that is accessible and manageable
  • To enhance team communication
  • To improve reporting and analytics
  • To improve data exchange between systems

During this phase, the development team engages with the client to discuss their vision, goals, and expected outcomes. Based on this, they assess the project’s complexity, scope, and estimated costs, while identifying potential challenges. The team may also recommend creating a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) if the goal is to get to market quickly.

Step 2: Choose a Development Team

When hiring cloud application developers, you have three options: freelancers, an in-house team, or outsourcing to a reputable software development company.

Cloud application development is an ongoing process, requiring regular updates to remain relevant. Therefore, it’s essential to partner with a development company capable of offering necessary services on demand.

Here are some key questions to ask a potential cloud software development partner:

  • Can you provide examples of similar projects?
  • What platforms and technologies do you specialize in?
  • Have you worked with tools relevant to our project?
  • How do you handle security in cloud development?
  • How do you ensure scalability in cloud applications?
  • What communication and collaboration strategies do you use?
  • How do you manage cloud resource costs?
  • What support and maintenance services are provided post-launch?
  • Who will be the key team members, and what is their experience?
  • How do you manage progress updates and changes in project scope?

Step 3: Determine Features of the Future Cloud Application

When planning your cloud app’s features, consider some essential elements for an effective user experience:

  • Cross-platform accessibility: Users should access the app from their preferred devices.
  • Security features: Include login and access control to ensure only authorized users interact with the app.
  • Real-time collaboration: Tools like chat, live comments, and co-editing enable multiple users to collaborate simultaneously.
  • Notifications and alerts: Keep users informed of important updates.
  • Scalability: Ensure the app can handle varying user demands.

Step 4: Plan the Cloud Application’s Architecture

Depending on your project’s needs, several cloud architecture options are available:

  • Monolithic architecture: A single, tightly integrated unit. It’s easy to build but limits scalability and makes updates more challenging.
  • Microservices architecture: Divides the application into independent services communicating via APIs. This option is highly scalable but can face performance issues due to complexity.
  • Serverless architecture: Uses event-triggered functions in a serverless environment. It’s cost-effective but may not be suitable for resource-heavy tasks.
  • Hybrid cloud architecture: Combines on-premises infrastructure with cloud resources, offering flexibility but may encounter integration and security challenges.

Step 5: Choose the Tech Stack

Choosing the right tech stack is influenced by factors such as project scope, scalability needs, integrations, and security concerns. For example, Python is excellent for scalable cloud solutions, while Ruby on Rails is ideal for quick visualization and testing.

Some popular tech stack options include:

  • Programming languages: Java, Python, Node.js, Ruby, .NET, Go, PHP, TypeScript
  • Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Amazon RDS, Cosmos DB, Firebase
  • Frameworks: Spring Boot, Django, Flask, Express.js, Ruby on Rails, Angular, React, Vue.js
  • Containers and orchestration: Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift
  • Frontend: React, Angular, Vue.js, Bootstrap

Step 6: Design the Application

When designing your cloud app’s UI/UX, keep these general recommendations in mind:

  • Responsive design: Ensure consistent performance across various platforms and devices.
  • Intuitive navigation: Make navigation simple and familiar to reduce the learning curve.
  • Dark mode adaptability: Design with dark mode support to improve user comfort.
  • Scalability: Design your UI to gracefully accommodate new features and growing user numbers.

Step 7: Develop and Test the Cloud-Based App

Cloud app development typically follows Agile or DevOps methodologies.

Agile Development involves short iterations, known as sprints, with prioritized features and continuous testing throughout the cycle. Communication and feedback are crucial in this approach.

DevOps Methodology fosters collaboration between development and operations teams, emphasizing continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD). Automation and testing are integral to ensuring code quality and performance.

Step 8: Launch and Maintain

Cloud applications require ongoing maintenance to stay secure, performant, and scalable. Key maintenance tasks include:

  • Security updates to protect user data from threats
  • Performance optimization to ensure responsiveness
  • Scalability adjustments to meet user demands
  • Technology updates to keep your app current with the latest tools and frameworks.


The Cost of Cloud Application Development

Based on publicly available data, the cost of cloud app development can range from approximately $20,000 to over $400,000. This wide range reflects the varying complexities and requirements of each project. Estimating the cost with more precision requires specific project details.

To provide general insight, here is a framework for estimating the cost of building a cloud-based solution. The table below considers the average specialist rate in Europe, which ranges from $30–$150 per hour. The time estimates provided are for a basic app, such as a Single Page Application (SPA).

Keep in mind that the cost estimates will vary depending on the unique time requirements of each project.

Step Time Estimate Cost Estimate
Project planning and scoping 20 hours $1,000–$3,000
Requirements gathering and analysis 20 hours $1,000–$3,000
Documentation and wireframing 30 hours $900–$3,000
Development team 6–18 weeks $50–$150/hour per specialist
Technology stack One-time cost $5,000–$20,000
UI/UX design 40 hours $1,200–$4,000
Testing and QA 40 hours $800–$3,200
Cloud infrastructure Montdly cost $500–$5,000
Post-launch maintenance 20 hours/montd $1,000–$3,000 (montdly cost)
Contingency 5-20% of total budget
Analytics tools implementation Montdly cost $200–$5,000

For a more detailed analysis of what contributes to cloud application development costs, refer to our previous blog post on the topic.


Challenges in Cloud App Development

Cloud app development comes with its own unique set of challenges, primarily due to the use of external cloud servers. Below, we address the most common technical hurdles and offer strategies to mitigate them.

Security Concerns

Since cloud-based data and services are accessible via the internet, they are exposed to various security risks. These threats include unauthorized access, data breaches, and vulnerabilities within the cloud infrastructure.

To reduce these risks, it’s essential to use cloud-based security services, implement robust authentication and authorization systems, and ensure data is encrypted both in transit and at rest. Regular updates, patches, security audits, and testing are also crucial for identifying and mitigating potential security vulnerabilities.

Scalability and Performance Management

As user activity and traffic fluctuate, cloud applications must be able to allocate the appropriate resources (compute, storage, and network) to match current demand. Over provisioning can result in unnecessary costs, while under provisioning may cause performance issues.

As applications expand with new features, their architecture becomes increasingly complex, potentially leading to bottlenecks.

To address these challenges, design the application architecture with scalability in mind, utilizing components that can dynamically adjust resources based on demand. Implement caching mechanisms and regularly monitor performance metrics to identify and resolve bottlenecks early.

Integration Challenges

Integrating cloud apps with existing systems, third-party services, or other cloud-based services can be complicated due to differences in APIs, data formats, or communication protocols.

To overcome these challenges, choose cloud services and tools that support integration standards. Develop robust error handling and monitoring mechanisms, and consider using middleware or custom APIs to facilitate smoother integration processes.


Conclusion: Cloud App Development with Etelligens

At Etelligens, we have developed a team of experts with extensive experience in delivering high-quality software development services, particularly in cloud application development.

Our team members bring over two years of experience in cloud app development, combined with strong knowledge of cloud infrastructure, database management, networking, and hypervisor technologies. Our solutions are designed to be highly secure, ensuring regulatory compliance and maintaining 99.9% uptime.

We implement proven privacy and cybersecurity measures, leverage DevOps tools, use trusted third-party services, and maintain real-time data monitoring to deliver robust, reliable cloud applications. Additionally, our engineers continuously update their knowledge of cloud software development and migration techniques.

Whether you need consulting on cloud development or assistance in bringing your idea to life from scratch, you can count on Etelligens.

Ajay Kumar
Ajay Kumar CTO
Ajay brings over a decade of experience leading dynamic engineering teams and spearheading the development of innovative software projects. He is a strong advocate for agile methodologies and user-centered design, ensuring that technical solutions seamlessly align with business objectives for enhanced growth and efficiency. Ajay's vast knowledge spans across diverse programming languages and architectures, and he continuously strives to push technological boundaries while fostering collaboration and talent development within his teams.